Category: Partying

Guyrule #436.0 Thanksgiving When eating Thanksgiving dinne…
Guyrule #442.0 NO Harry Simons Never under andy circumstance …
Guyrule #450.0 Exotic Drinks It is unaccepatbale for a Guy …
Guyrule #451.0 More Beer Than Necessary When out buying beer, a guy mu…
Guyrule #471.0 Failing Alcoholic Beverage Operability It is time to call it quits wh…
Guyrule #475.0 Cooler Queens When it comes to drinking unde…
Guyrule #481.0 More Fun with Beer If something is fun without be…
Guyrule #516.0 Partying When Drinking the Hard A. with…
Guyrule #519.0 Spilt Beer The spilling of beer is a GuyR…
Guyrule #523.0 Leaving the Bar When you have to leave the bar…

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