Question #1 If your wife doesn't like you to party, what do you tell your partying friends? |
A Sorry, I can't party. You know...the wife thing
B She's cool with it C I'll have a couple
D Oh, what the hell! |
Question #2 If you're a passenger in your buddy's car and a good song comes on the radio, what do you do? |
A reach over and turn it up, then explain later
B not say anything, but hope your buddy turns it up C ask your buddy to turn it up because the driver has exclusive rights over the radio
D do nothing |
Question #3 When two Guys are discussing something excitedly, one Guy can establish conversation dominance by: |
A Ignoring the other Guy
B Inserting smartass comments C Speaking louder and faster
D Trumping the other Guy's bullshit |
Question #4 When buying beer, when is it permissable not to buy anything for the wife? |
A Always, since she has a car of her own
B Always because she does the shopping so she can buy her own wine C Never, it will haunt you if you don't bring her something
D Never, because you will probably have to go back anyway for something she forgot to tell you to buy |
Question #5 When with your buddies, the Quick-Click-Look Guy signals the others for what reason? |
A The pizza and beer arrived.
B It's time to kneel, or stand up, or sit down. C To see if there is a female passing by.
D It's time to end in the cigars and interns. |
Question #6 To avoid beer backsplash, you: |
A stick your tongue in the tip of the bottle
B don't worry about it C bring the bottle down slightly so the pressure goes off the top lip
D don't let the bottle touch your mouth |
Question #7 While working on a project with other guys, it's very important to have your own tools. However, of all the tools, it's essential to have this one: |
A hammer
B gloves C nails
D tape measure |
Question #8 When your buddy offers to take over, when do you relinquish control? |
A when your buddy's pissed off
B if your ego's been taking a beating C when you're really tired and you've already responded with the token protest
D none of the above |
Question #9 If your buddy is complaining about his weight, you can make him feel better by: |
A reassuring him that he's not that fat
B agreeing him with and ridiculing him C Share the Fat, by saying you're fat too
D compliment his wife's cooking |
Question #10 As a passenger, it's quite acceptable to adjust the air conditioning in the car. |
A true
B false |