Test Questions:

Question #1 While trading insult for insult with another guy while carefully maintaining buddy Guydom balance, you must:
A Participate in friendly light jabs to the shoulder and ribs
B Laugh after each insult
C Not get overly defensive
D Never touch on known private matters
Question #2 This statement is true or false: finishing first is more important than quality
A True
B False
Question #3 What's the most important criteria in lumber selection?
A cost
B weather-treated
C no warping
D type of lumber
Question #4 Of the words below, which one is NOT explicitly banned on the project site when spoken between guys:
A Nurturing
B Warm
C Loving
D Please
Question #5 To avoid beer backsplash, you:
A stick your tongue in the tip of the bottle
B don't worry about it
C bring the bottle down slightly so the pressure goes off the top lip
D don't let the bottle touch your mouth
Question #6 When you're with a guy who's purchasing lumber for his project, and you see that he is making unacceptable lumber selections, you:
A jump in and correct him
B let him make the mistakes
C it depends on how far into the project you are
D it depends on how well you know the guy
Question #7 It is quite acceptable to make eye contact with another guy during a goodbye:
A true
B false
Question #8 When two Guys are discussing something excitedly, one Guy can establish conversation dominance by:
A Ignoring the other Guy
B Inserting smartass comments
C Speaking louder and faster
D Trumping the other Guy's bullshit
Question #9 Why wouldn't you offer beer to the guys too early in the morning, after just starting the project?
A you don't want to get drunk before accomplishing anything
B that would throw other Rules into chaos
C it's unsafe
D you'd spend too much money on beer
Question #10 True or False. It's appropriate to blow a guy shit for using a brand new tool on a job too small for that tool.
A True
B False

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