Test Questions:

Question #1 What queue will your buddy give you when it's not acceptable to listen in on his phone conversation?
A the shake of the eyebrow
B a hard look
C he'll point you out of the room
D a grunt or a moan
Question #2 When your buddy is throwing around new terminology, the only way to handle is to:
A to give ooos and aaahs
B challenge the termininology
C pretend to challenge the terminology just to piss him off
D pretend to know the terminology already
Question #3 Of the words below, which one is NOT explicitly banned on the project site when spoken between guys:
A Nurturing
B Warm
C Loving
D Please
Question #4 When does ego dwindle on the project site?
A When the project is taking longer than you all envisioned
B When you've had enough beers
C After you're half way through the project
D After the first really bad confrontation
Question #5 According to one of the Guy Rules, what construction skill is considered the highest echelon in the order of things?
A nailing
B sawing
C framing
D roofing
Question #6 If your buddy is complaining about his weight, you can make him feel better by:
A reassuring him that he's not that fat
B agreeing him with and ridiculing him
C Share the Fat, by saying you're fat too
D compliment his wife's cooking
Question #7 If you wash off your plates before putting them into your buddy's dishwasher, what message does it send him?
A you're a clean freak
B you're just being nice
C his machine isn't good enough to clean the plates
D depends on whether he washes them off or not
Question #8 When in a public urinary somewhere in Australia, guys always leave plenty of space between themselves and the other guys because:
A All the urinaries are very small
B Because of the closeness of the urinals
C This allows for private space and guys with poor aim.
D To avoid knocking the other guy's arm and spilling his ale
Question #9 The trick that can be used in the Do-it-Yourself Guy Rule is the:
A work a little faster
B suggest a break
C work a little longer
D none of the above
Question #10 When you're with a guy who's purchasing lumber for his project, and you see that he is making unacceptable lumber selections, you:
A jump in and correct him
B let him make the mistakes
C it depends on how far into the project you are
D it depends on how well you know the guy

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