Guyrule #145.0 Bathroom Etiquette "When taking a shit, whether i… |
Guyrule #154.0 Crying "Guys can only cry when trying… |
Guyrule #155.0 Respect in the Steam Room "Like building the fire, opera… |
Guyrule #158.0 Car Stereo Installation "When installing a car stereo … |
Guyrule #159.0 Bluffing "When showing a female how to … |
Guyrule #164.0 Asking For Directions "A real guy will never ask for… |
Guyrule #173.2 One-Seat Spacing When choosing seats at the bal… |
Guyrule #176.0 Dad Genuflection "When you come over to your da… |
Guyrule #179.0 Shoulder Game "When you're walking down a na… |
Guyrule #181.0 Showering in the Locker Room "You're in the locker room abo… |
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