Category: Buddies

Guyrule #18.0 Giving Your Buddy an Out "Be a good friend and give you…
Guyrule #24.0 Mismatching the Plates "It quite acceptable, when you…
Guyrule #30.0 Christen the Toilet "It's quite acceptable, when y…
Guyrule #30.1 Toilet Christening Despite a previous guy rule sa…
Guyrule #53.0 I-Know-I'm-Really-Fat-When... "There's always the Fat-Guy Ru…
Guyrule #55.0 Grading Farts "It's imperative that when the…
Guyrule #55.1 Applauding noises When a friend makes an especia…
Guyrule #55.2 Movies If you go to a movie with your…
Guyrule #78.0 Every Guy Has a Get-Rich Scheme "Every red blooded American ha…
Guyrule #91.0 Reacting to Your Buddy Getting Hit in the Nuts "You're sittin' around with yo…

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