Category: Tools

Guyrule #452.0 Internet Searches When searching the internet as…
Guyrule #457.0 Duct Tape Duct tape fixes everything. It…
Guyrule #472.0 Acceptable Bathroom Reading Material Acceptable reading material in…
Guyrule #472.1 Acceptable Bathroom Reading Material Man must have reading material…
Guyrule #482.0 Handling Urinal Crisis If you're standing at a urinal…
Guyrule #499.0 Buddy's Safety It is acceptable to hold a lad…
Guyrule #509.0 Better Tools If you have your own tool, and…
Guyrule #514.0 Fearlessness and Permanent Damage When about to inflict permanen…
Guyrule #526.0 Clean Garage/Workshop While is is perfectly acceptab…
Guyrule #527.0 Sockets Every guy should have his own …

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