Category: Tools

Guyrule #32.0 Gloves "You always know that you're w…
Guyrule #37.0 Project Critique "When you're walking down the …
Guyrule #38.0 Three Kinds of Hammering "There really are three kinds …
Guyrule #44.0 Track Record on Nailing "There's always the Guy Rule o…
Guyrule #46.0 Half Your Time "During a project, and this is…
Guyrule #47.0 Mastery of Nailing "Only hold a guy's nail for hi…
Guyrule #49.0 Early Rejects "When you're lumberin' or buil…
Guyrule #51.0 Final Nail Option "When you're at the last part …
Guyrule #52.0 Project Goes Bad "Okay, there's always the I-Ju…
Guyrule #54.0 Borrowing Tools "Anytime that a guy's gotta bo…

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