Category: Wife

Guyrule #468.0 Give The Impression Even if you aren't getting ANY…
Guyrule #488.0 Fielding the Lingerie Question When asked by your girlfriend,…
Guyrule #490.0 On the Rebound When having broken up with a g…
Guyrule #494.0 Girl Moves In When a girlfriend decides to m…
Guyrule #501.0 Female Friends It is perfectly alright to hav…
Guyrule #511.0 Stealing Another Guy's Woman Under no circumstances is it o…
Guyrule #511.1 War and Love No matter what, you should nev…
Guyrule #511.2 Stealing a Guy's Girl Stealing a guys girl is accept…
Guyrule #538.0 Buying Property Never let a woman influence yo…
Guyrule #539.0 Feminine Products If out with the guys and you a…

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